How Climate Affects Your Siding Replacement Choices

The local climate is an important factor when it comes to choosing the siding material for your home and it should have precedence over factors such as color and texture. GAF Master Elite® roofer Ken Morton & Sons shares how climate affects your siding choices.

Protection Against the Elements

Siding isn’t just one of several home components that happen to be part of the exterior. Think of it as being part of a bigger system that happens to include the roof, entry doors and windows. This enclosure protects your home from what the elements throw at your property: snow, high winds and solar radiation among them. Your siding should, therefore, complement the other exterior components in protecting your home and balance it with other features such as insulation and aesthetics.

Choosing Siding Designed for Local Climate

You may already have come across siding contractors from out of state, offering too-good-to-be-true siding replacement prices. Setting aside the questionable credentials, the subpar workmanship and lack of warranty coverage, these contractors are likely offering siding that’s designed for use within a different state.

This can be problematic, as you may end up with siding that’s designed for hot southern climates, which can quickly turn brittle once the temperature starts dropping at the end of the year. This is why you should only choose siding offered by local siding and roofing contractors. Not only do you get material and workmanship warranties, but also the peace of mind knowing your home is protected from the local climate.

Other Features

Once you have ascertained the siding product that’s right for your home, you can then start choosing among the various colors and styles. One of the benefits of modern siding materials like vinyl is that you can choose the color and style that works with your home’s exterior without sacrificing its features. Products like the CertainTeed Monogram® vinyl siding even has authentic-looking wood texture molded from real cedar boards.

Ken Morton & Sons is your leading provider of siding repair and installation services. Give us a call at (856) 582-8800 or fill out our contact form. We serve customers in Woodstown, NJ and surrounding areas.