Various Factors Affecting the Service Life of Roofs

Apart from their function of protecting the structures from the different elements, roofs also ensure that homeowners feel comfortable while indoors. In time, however, they get worn out, compromising homes in a lot of ways. Ken Morton and Sons LLC, your premier roofing and siding contractors, explain the various factors affecting the service life of roofs.


Installing the roof can influence how it performs throughout its service life. Without the benefit of a proper installation, the whole system can’t function as intended even with the best materials and design. It is imperative for homeowners looking to replace their roofs to choose a roofing contractor that is experienced and highly skilled when it comes to such projects.


This factor is just as important as installation. For the most part, a high-quality roofing material tends to be the long-enduring one. Additional costs notwithstanding, it can be well worth the investment as it can perform much longer. Low-quality materials, on the other hand, often are inexpensive and will reach the end of their service life earlier than expected.


The service life of a roof can be extended through a proactive inspection and maintenance program. Checking it every now and then for any small problems that would necessitate roof repairs can help prevent further issues.


The changing weather conditions can do a number on any roof, affecting its service life. Apart from the extreme heat, it can suffer the brunt of wind-driven rain, snow and ice. This causes issues that need to be taken care of right away once they become apparent.

Taking note of these factors helps you become more responsible for taking care of your roof. When you ask yourself “Where can I find roofers near me?,” just remember the name Ken Morton and Sons LLC. You can count on us for your roofing needs. Give us a call at (856) 582-8800 for more information about our service. We serve residents of Sewell, NJ.