The Effects of Humidity on Your Roof

Various elements can harm your roofing system, especially if it is at the end of its serviceable age. However, it’s common for homeowners to be unaware that humidity can cause serious issues in their roofs. 

In this post, Ken Morton & Sons share more information that will help you better understand the effects of humidity on your roof. Below are some of the ways humidity can impact your roof.


It’s important to always check your attic for ventilation or insulation problems, which could cause your home’s indoor humidity levels to rise. Excessive humidity encourages mold growth in your attic and roofing system. If left untreated, mold can cause structural damage and poor indoor air quality. Inspect your attic at least twice a year for black- or gray-colored spores on the roof sheathing and roof joists.

Water Droplets

You likely have a condensation problem if water droplets appear on your roof, insulation, or ceiling. If it’s summer, you’re probably dealing with a waterproofing issue in the assembly. In the winter, however, the condensation could be due to humid air coming in contact with the colder parts of your roof. 

Wet Insulation

Humidity can affect your roof when it saturates your insulation. Wet insulation requires replacement as it can cause warping and structural damage to your roof assembly. Furthermore, trapped moisture stimulates mold growth and corrosion of steel materials, causing further damage to your home. 

When it’s time to repair or replace your roof, Ken Morton & Sons can get the job done professionally and in a timely manner. Rest assured that our team is trained and experienced in various roofing jobs and we can deliver top-notch workmanship. Other services we provide include siding replacement and gutter installation. Call us at (856) 582-8800 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation.