How Do Roof Inspections Help You Save Money?

Inspecting your residential roof on a regular basis will save you money. The reason is simple: careful inspections can detect not only grave faults but also minor and roofing issues that can be addressed immediately before they become costly repairs.

But How Often Should You Inspect Your Roof? 

Typically, roof inspections are done every three years for roofing systems with asphalt or composite shingles or wood shingles like cedar. For tile roofs, inspections can be done five years apart since they’re usually more resistant. However, if a severe storm recently occurred in your area, you should have your roof checked immediately with a local roofing company.

3 Ways To Save Money With a Roof Inspection

Your roofing system needs proper care, which not only includes cleaning, replacing damaged material, and fixing leaks; it also requires a regular roof inspection. Here are three ways that roof inspection can save you money, time and effort.

  1. An Ounce of Prevention Is Better Than Cure

A roof inspection is an excellent way to prevent premature deterioration and damage. Some material can’t be repaired when damaged. Having qualified roofers perform an inspection can help catch potential problem areas before they arise.

  1. Protect Against Infestation and Contamination

Insects and dirt can infiltrate your roof if not maintained. Some insects and mold could endanger you and your family. A regular roof inspection can protect your home and family by identifying any moisture accumulation on the deck or gutters, and stop mold and other vegetation before it can build up.

  1. Reap Insurance and Warranty Benefits

Almost all insurance policies cover natural disasters such as fire or storm damage. Whenever you receive a roof inspection, save any documentation, as this might benefit you if you experience any major damages and need to utilize your insurance company to help pay for the costs.

When it’s time for roof repair or siding replacement, get in touch with Ken Morton & Sons LLC. Give us a call at (856) 582-8800 or complete our online request form for your FREE, no-obligation consultation. We serve clients in Pitman, NJ.