4 Roofing Mistakes Good Roofers Don’t Make

Much of the success of your roofing project will depend on the expertise of your roofing contractor. That’s why you’ll want to make sure you’re hiring the right one for the job. In this area, that will be Ken Morton & Sons LLC. We’re not just your go-to choice for quality siding replacement–you can also count on us to handle all your roofing needs. We give every job our full attention. And because our work is backed by decades of experience, you’re always sure we won’t make these roofing mistakes:

  1. Using Mismatched Roofing Shingles. Some contractors use multiple dealers and buy materials from more than one supplier. This results in mismatched shingles that can make your roof a patchwork of uneven colors. Ken Morton & Sons LLC, however, consistently uses the same supplies distributor. When you choose us for your GAF® roof replacement, you can always expect matching shingles–and a professionally installed roof that looks beautiful and cohesive.
  1. Laying a New Roof Over the Old One. The fact is that laying a new roof without removing the old system can cause more problems and expenses later on. This is even unlawful in some areas. Ken Morton & Sons LLC, one of the area’s trusted roofers, makes sure to completely tear off the old roofing system before the new one is installed in its place. This way, the new roof won’t inherit the problems of the previous one, keeping it intact and allowing it to last longer. 
  1. Overlooking Proper Attic Ventilation. When Ken Morton & Sons LLC works on a new roof installation, we ensure that the attic has sufficient ventilation. This prevents heat and moisture from building up in the space and causing a number of problems–mold and mildew at the very least, early roof replacement at its worst. By installing correct ventilation, we can head off premature shingle failure and a compromised roof structure.
  1. Installing Roof Flashing Poorly. The flashing, or ice and water barrier, refers to the thin, waterproofing material that covers the more leak-prone spots of your roof. These include the area around chimneys, valleys, dormers, skylights, and vent pipes. Ken Morton & Sons LLC is GAF® Master Elite® roofing contractor, which means access to this top brand’s high-quality ice and water barriers. And because we adhere to the manufacturer’s stringent quality specifications, you’re also sure they will be installed in an efficient manner.

As your trusted local roofing company, Ken Morton & Sons LLC can deliver more-than-satisfactory results in every project we take on. Whether it’s roof repair or replacement, we have you covered. We proudly serve Pitman, NJ and the surrounding areas. Call us today at (856) 582-8800 or fill out this contact form to schedule your roof evaluation.